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Youth Sailing

RYA - Learn To Sail In Two Stages

The Youth Sailing scheme is completed in our Topper dinghies which are suitable for the size of the sailor. Our expert instructors offer a safe environment for children to have fun, learn and challenge themselves. Youth courses are scheduled through school holiday time and can be either completed over a 5 day period or spread over a period of time. These courses are for children aged 8-16.

RYA Stage 1

Stage 1 is where it all begins for the kids. This is an introduction to the parts of the boat and the basic principles of how to get a boat sailing.



Launching and recovery, sailing across the wind, turning around, steering and basic parts of the boat.


Certificate Issuing Criteria

Able to sail across the wind, steer and understand the basic principles of sailing.



2 days or 16hrs of private tuition.



£125.00 per person.

Includes all required equipment and course material.


Continue Sailing - Our Sunday Sailing Club is our weekly sailing club, open to anyone who can sail to the standard of RYA Stage 1 or RYA Level 1.

RYA Stage 2

Required Experience

Sailing skills to the standard of Stage 1.



Improved sailing skills on all points of sail. Tacking, gybing, ropework and collision avoidance.


Certificate issuing criteria

Building confidence sailing, tacking, gybing and improving boat control and speed.



3 days or 24hrs of private tuition.



£170.00 per person.

Includes all required equipment and course material.

RYA Stage 3

Required Experience

Sailing skills to the standard of Stage 2.



Improved rigging, sailing theory, launching and recovery. Building confidence in a range of sailing techniques on all points of sail and capsize recovery.


Certificate issuing criteria

Able to launch and sail a dinghy on all points of sail or around a triangle in moderate conditions.



3 days or 24hrs of private tuition.



£170.00 per person.

Includes all required equipment and course material.

RYA Stage 4 

Required Experience

Sailing skills to the standard of Stage 3.



Transferring pre-learnt skills, techniques and manoeuvres to sail crewed boats, enhance rigging, launching, recovery and practical skills to recover a man overboard.


Certificate issuing criteria

Able to launch and sail a dinghy on all points of sail or around a triangle in moderate conditions.



2 days or 16hrs of private tuition.



£125.00 per person.

Includes all required equipment and course material.


As with the Stages 1 and 2, choose to do a whole week with us and gain both Stages 3 and 4. Or spread the stages over a period of time to gain practice and confidence.

Dinghy Seamanship Skills

Improve your boat handling and manouevering ability in a range of different circumstances and develop the seamanship skills needed to solve problems afloat.


Required experience

Sailing skills to the standard of Stage 4 or Level 3 Better Sailing



Launching and recovering the boat in different circumstances. Stopping, reducing sail, recovering a man overboard, picking up a mooring and anchoring.


Certificate issuing criteria

Able to handle a dinghy in a range of situations afloat



3 days or 24hrs of private tuition.



£175.00 per person.

Includes all required equipment and course material.


RLSS UK Industry Approved Aqua Park

Mondays: Closed

Tuesdays: Closed

Wednesdays: 10:00-20:30

Thursdays: Closed

Fridays: 10:00-20:30

Saturdays: 10:00-20:30

Sundays: 10:00-17:30

Please note that different activities have varying operating hours and will be available for booking accordingly.

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©2020 - 2024 by St Andrews Aqua Park Ltd. 

Watersport & Leisure activities are managed by St Andrews Aqua Park Ltd.

Company Registration Number 13265903

VAT Number 381301525.

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