Terms & Conditions

Bookings must be made online or by calling the office.
Bookings cannot be accepted without the appropriate completed booking forms; Electronic or paper format.
Any invoice must be settled within the 14day terms. A surcharge of 20% will be applied if payment is outside of these terms, unless prior agreement has been made with St Andrews Aqua Park Ltd.
Payment can be made online or by calling the office.
All Bookings will be confirmed by email. If you do not recieve this, your booking has not gone through. Please try again or call the office.
- By Client

All cancellations and amendments must be made by telephoning the office 01634 926 204 or by email. All emails must acknowledged by us. Office hours are 0900-1700hrs, 7 days a week.
No refunds will be given if cancelling within 7days of your booked activity. Only credit note/gift vouchers will be given in return.
Cancellations and amendments cannot be made within 72hrs of your booked session.
Last minute cancellations and amendments will not be accepted due to rain, windy weather or forecasted storms.
- By St. Andrews Aqua Park
St. Andrews Aqua Park reserve the right to cancel a session at any time if weather conditions are unsuitable.
St. Andrews Aqua Park reserve the right to cancel a session at any time where participant numbers fail to reach the published minimum.
Where a session has to be cancelled, St Andrews Aqua Park will offer clients either; alternate session dates or a full/partial refund as appropriate.
In the event of cancellation St Andrews Aqua Park will not be held liable for other third party costs incurred associated with the booking such as coach hire, taxis etc.
St Andrews Aqua Park may have to remove an inflatable element at any point in the event of damage to-said element. We will not reschedule, refund in part or whole if this happens.